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Monday, October 17, 2011

Basic Selection tools In Photoshop CS4 with video (Lesson 11)

Photoshop CS4

Let’s take a look at the various tools in the toolbar available for making selections.

Please read more here and watch the video .

Long press to select a tool from the menu . There are four tools .
  1. Rectangular Marquee tool : is the first tool 
  2. Elliptical  Marquee tool :  is the second tool
  3. Single Row Marquee tool : the third tool
  4. Single Column Marquee tool : the fourth tool
Select the tool and drag across the image to select the area you want .
The Options bar displays tool-specific settings. Please review the diagram up . 
When you choose selection tools a set of four buttons will appear that change the effect on the selections in the design

  •  The normal mode is New Selection – each time you click and drag,a new selection is made and the current one is lost.
  •  Add to selection .It is add mode makes the current selection larger and a different shape.
  •  Subtract from selection subtract mode, you can remove areas from the current selection .We can change to the Circle Marquee tool to subtract an elliptical shape from the rectangular selection we had made.You can continue to make negative selections that chip or cut away at the current selection.This is a good way to refine a selection to fit a specific shape in an image.
  • Intersect with selection .Intersect mode is the fourth mode . you can create a new selection that is the intersection between the currently active one and one you will drag out. Basically all parts of the current selection will disappear except that portion that overlaps with the new selection you drag out. Here is the original selection with a new one being dragged out over it, using the Intersect mode .
  • Rather than using the buttons you can hold down modifier keys to add and subtract selections.To add,hold the [Shift] key before you begin to click and drag.To subtract hold the [Alt] key before you click and drag.The marquee cursor will change to show which mode you are in.
  • To activate Intersect mode without using the buttons hold down the [Alt] and [Shift] keys before you drag.
Notice that 
  • To Deselect : Ctrl + D 
  • To Re-select : Shift + Ctrl + D
  • To Inverse the selection : Shift  +  Ctrl + I 
The numbers in the diagram 
( 1) you can open the menu to select a tool 
( 2 ) The normal mode button .
( 3 ) Add to selection button .
( 4 ) Subtract from the selection button .
( 5 ) Intersect selection button .
( 6 ) Feather for the edges of the selection .
( 7 ) Refine the edges of the selection .


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