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Friday, November 4, 2011

Siwa Oasis In Egypt

It is an oasis in Egypt, located between the Qattara Depression and the Egyptian Sand Sea ( The sand seas contain dunes up to 110m in height ) in the Libyan Desert, nearly 50 km (30 mi) east of the Libyan border, and 560 km (348 mi) from Cairo .
Please read more and watch the video.

Siwa Oasis is one of Egypt's most isolated settlements, with 23,000 people, mostly ethnic Berbers who speak a distinct language ( Berber Language is the language that includes all the indigenous related dialects or languages of North Africa, spoken from Siwa Oasis in Egypt to Morocco, through much of the Sahara Desert countries.) of the Berber family known as Siwi

Its fame lies primarily in its ancient role as the home to an oracle of Amon, the ruins of which are a popular tourist attraction which gave the oasis its ancient name Ammonium.
    Attractions for tourists ( Please watch the video ) 
    • In Siwa there is an ancient fortress, built on natural rock, made of salt, mud-brick and palm logs and known as the Shali Ghadi ("Shali" being the name of the town, and "Ghadi" meaning remote or far ).
    • The remains of the oracle temple .
    • The Mountain of the Dead ( the Gebel al Mawta ).
    • A Roman-era necropolis featuring dozens of rock-cut tombs.
    • Cleopatra's Bath an antique natural spring.
    • Fatnas Island , which became a palm-fringed peninsula located on the edge of a saltwater lake
    Activities in Siwa  

    Agriculture : is the main activity of modern Siwi, particularly the cultivation of dates and olives. Siwa is popular for its palm and olive trees, producing huge volumes of dates and olives. Extra virgin olive oil is one of Siwa's popular products used in Egypt and exported to Europe. Mulukhiyah is also a reputable Siwa product in Egypt.

    Handicrafts : like basketry are also of regional importance.
    Tourism : has in recent decades become a vital source of income. Much attention has been given to creating hotels that use local materials and play on local styles.

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