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Friday, January 7, 2011

Creating Symmetrical Background With Photoshop

You can take the advantage of the fact that background image repeats itself or tiles over and over to create a symmetrical background design from a single image in photo shop .


If you like to design everything in your web site, and to add your own taste and sense to your page or even desktop, so try to design your background with Photoshop. It is easy and fast.
You can choose light background and dark color for the text ,or the reverse dark background and light text color .
You can also choose between small tiles or larger size .Any way it is better to make it simple designs and do not choose many colors. 

To learn how to design and add a simple tiling background to your desktop or  as a web background just go to Art Work

Here I will explain the symmetrical backgrounds  , that you can see up .
That one you can just take and apply to you desktop background and add it as tiles .


Open new document with dimensions off 300 w X 300 h with transparent background .

First step: 
  • Select the custom shape tool ,choose your shape ,no style , choose the color you like ,and draw adjust it to the middle of the document.
  •  Save your work as PNG picture [ File - Save as- format PNG]  
Second step:
  •  Open the PNG image in photoshop , so now you have the shape you draw on a transparent background .Give this layer the name of [corners ]
  •  Add new layer under this layer by clicking Ctrl + the new layer icon in the layer panel.
  • Choose color for your background layer then select the click Alt + Backspace to fill that layer with the color you choose. Give it the name of BG for Background.
  • Go to Select Menu and select all to select all the picture, and then go to Edit Menu and choose copy, then go again to the Select Menu and choose deselect to remove the selection.
  • Open Filter Menu and choose other - offset put 150 width and 150 height ,put Undefined Areas to wrap around. Click OK.
  •  Select the corner layer then go to Edit menu and select paste.
  • Now save your work for both web and devices. Go to File Menu select Save for Web and Devices to open the picture, then choose GIF, choose 4 or 8 colors according to how many color on your design ,and how it will look . choose No Dither to reduce the file size .
  • Click the Optimize Menu button -Edit Output settings  and choose Background Image. click OK
  • Click save and choose HTML and image. 
Now you will have your own background from your design .

Thanks MR   

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